How do I Test My Store? |
After you've successfully added your products, configured your payment and shipping methods, and gotten through the design aspects of your site you'll probably want to test your store in order to get a feel for how your customers will experience your cart. Using an Offline Payment MethodOne method that can be used to test your store is to use an "offline" payment method. The advantage to using an offline method is that you can process a regular order to your shop without actually using a real credit card number. This can be useful in determining if things like shipping calculation, tax settings, shipping methods, and discounts are working correctly. To add a temporary Offline Payment method, please use the following steps: 1. Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager Note: We suggest naming the payment method something obvious like "Test Method" so that it is easier to spot during your tests. After your test payment method is created, simply go to your store and place a few orders using this method. Using an Online Payment MethodThe second way to test your store is by using an "online" payment method. The advantage to using this type of method is the fact that you can use it to make sure your credit card processing services are working correctly. The disadvantage however is that you'd have to post charges to a real credit card. As merchant, you can usually refund your own test purchase charges via your credit card gateway. However, some gateways take longer than others to post this data. To help minimize actual charges to your card, we recommend simply creating a test product for your purchases and make the product's price be a small charge ranging from $0.25 to a dollar. Then you can simply use this product for your test purchases so that charges to your card are very minimal. | |