If using Custom Export Sets for your Order Exports, you will have the following list of fields to choose from.
Note: Several of these are dependent on different add-ons and/or specific features of the cart, or are otherwise no longer used on the system. Therefore you may have some of these fields that will not yield results.
Here's a brief description of each selectable field.
- Distributor
The distributor for the ordered product
- Manufacturer
The manufacturer of the ordered product
- constant
This is a wildcard * column that can be used for anything you choose
- shipment_number
The numerical ID of the shipping method that was selected by the customer
- orderid
The numerical Database ID of the order
- ocustomerid
The numerical Database ID of the customer on the order
- odate
The date on which the order was placed
- orderamount
The total amount recorded on the order
- ofirstname
The First name of the customer on the order
- olastname
The Last name of the customer on the order
- oemail
The Email Address of the customer on the order
- oaddress
The Billing Address used on the order
- oaddress2
The Billing Address, Line 2 used on the order (if any)
- ocity
The Billing City used on the order
- ozip
The Billing Zip/Postal Code used on the order
- ostate
The Billing State used on the order
- ocountry
The Billing Country used for the order
- ophone
The Billing Phone Number used on the order
- ofax
The Billing Fax number used on the order (if any)
- ocompany
The Billing company name used on the order (if any)
- ocardtype
The Card Type that was selected on the order
- ocardno
The Credit Card number information (Note: This is encrypted information as per PCI rules)
- ocardname
The name of the Card Holder
- ocardexpiresmonth
The expiration month of the card (if provided by the gateway)
- ocardexpiresyear
The expiration year of the card (if provided by the gateway)
- ocardissuenum
No Longer used
- ocardstartmonth
No Longer used
- ocardstartyear
No Longer used
- ocardaddress
No Longer used
- ocardverification
No Longer used
- oprocessed
No Longer used
- ocomment
Any comments recorded on the order by the customer
- otax
The amount of Tax charged on the order
- otax2
The amount of Tax 2 charged on the order (only if used)
- otax3
The amount of Tax 3 charged on the order (only if used)
- ointernalcomment
Any internal comments on the order that were entered either by your staff or the credit card gateway
- oexternalcomment
No Longer used
- oshippeddate
The date that the order was shipped
- oshipmethod
The shipping method that was selected by the customer
- oshipcost
The shipping cost calculated for the order
- oshipfirstname
The First name of the customer on the order for shipping
- oshiplastname
The Last name of the customer on the order for Shipping
- oshipcompany
The company name used on the order's shipping information (if any)
- oshipemail
The Email Address of the customer on the order
- oshipaddress
The Shipping Address used on the order
- oshipaddress2
The Shipping Address, Line 2 used on the order (if any)
- oshipcity
The Shipping City used on the order
- oshipzip
The Shipping Zip/Postal Code used on the order
- oshipstate
The Shipping State used on the order
- oshipcountry
The Shipping Country used for the order
- oshipphone
The Shipping Phone Number used on the order
- opaymethod
The payment method recorded for the order (note: this will be the numerical database number for the payment module used on the order.)
- opaymethodinfo
No Longer used
- status
No Longer used
- other2
No Longer used
- otime
The time at which the order was placed
- oauthorization
If supported by the gateway, this column will display the authorization code that was recorded on the order
- oerrors
No Longer used
- odiscount
Any promotional discounts that applied to the order
- ostatus
No Longer used
- ohandling
Any handling costs recorded on the order (if any)
- coupon
Any coupon codes or gift certificates used on the order
- coupondiscount
Whatever discount was applied by gift certificates or coupons.
- coupondiscountdual
No Longer used
- giftcertificate
No Longer used
- giftamountused
The amount of Gift Certificate total that was used on the order
- giftamountuseddual
No Longer used
- trackingcode
The shipment tracking number recorded on the order at the time of shipping
- invoicenum_prefix
The prefix for the order
- invoicenum
The actual invoice number for the order
- order_status
The current status in which the order resides. (Note: this is a numerical value for the irder status' database designation. To view this, go to an order status and look at the URL in your browser.)
- referer
The referrer information that lead to the creation of the order. In other words, where the shopper arrived at your store from.
- salesperson
The sales person recorded on the order (if any)
- ip
The IP address for the customer who placed the order
- date_started
The date in which the order was started
- userid
The user ID of the person who last edited the order
- last_update
The last update of the order
- last_auto_email
The most recent autoresponder email recorded for the order
- oweight
The total weight of the order
- oboxes
The number of boxes which were calculated for the order
- orderkey
Internal data for the store's Order Key
- ostep
The last step recorded for the order
- shipmethodid
No Longer used
- insured
If the Shopper selected Shipping Insurance, this column will display a 1. If 0, then shipping insurance was not selected
- alt_orderid
No Longer used
- affiliate_id
If the order was placed through an affiliate, this column will record the affiliate ID
- affiliate_commission
The amount of commision due to the affiliate if the order was recorded for their ID
- affiliate_approved
If the order has been approved (by you) for the affiliate
- affiliate_approvedreason
Any approve comments left on the order by you
- shipping_id
The shipping method applied to the order
- buysafe
If using BuySafe, this column will show if the order had BuySafe selected. A 1 will denote yes, and 0 will denote no
- checktype
No Longer used
- checkacctype
No Longer used
- checkrouting
No Longer used
- checkaccount
No Longer used
- oshipaddresstype
The type of address (residential or commercial) that was selected at checkout (if allowed in your settings)
- isrecurrent
If the order is a recurring order (Using Shift4Shop AutoShip) this field will show a 1. Of 0 then the order is not a recurring order
- recurrent_frequency
The selected frequency of the order's recurrence.
- parent_orderid
If using AutoShip, this will show the recurrant order's parent order ID
- last_order
If using AutoShip, this will show the most recent autoship order for the customer
- next_order
If using AutoShip, this will show the next scheduled autoship order for the customer
- customer_pmntprofileid
No Longer used
- fraud_rules_result
If using FraudWatch Screening Rules, this column will record the FraudWatch Status Rule recorded for the order
- 0 = No rules triggered/applied
- 1 = Order moved to Approved Status
- 2 = Order Rejected
- 3 = Order placed into Review Status