If your Statistics Report (Reports >Statistics) is not displaying any data, then you will need to add a script to your global footer. This is also the case if the 'Refer Link' in your orders does not display data regarding where your customers entered your site from.
- Go to Content >Header and Footer
- Paste the following script into the Global Footer:
<!--START: 3dcart stats--> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> var file='/stats/count.asp'; var stats_d=new Date(); var stats_s=stats_d.getSeconds(); var stats_m=stats_d.getMinutes(); var stats_x=stats_s*stats_m; var prdID = '[catalogid]'; var catID = '[catid]'; stats_f='' + escape(document.referrer); stats_f=stats_f.replace('_','----'); if (navigator.appName=='Netscape'){stats_b='NS';} if (navigator.appName=='Microsoft Internet Explorer'){stats_b='MSIE';} if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE 3')>0) {stats_b='MSIE';} stats_u='' + escape(document.URL); stats_u=stats_u.replace('_','----'); stats_w=screen.width; stats_h=screen.height; stats_v=navigator.appName; stats_fs = window.screen.fontSmoothingEnabled; if (stats_v != 'Netscape') {stats_c=screen.colorDepth;} else {stats_c=screen.pixelDepth;} stats_j=navigator.javaEnabled(); info='w=' + stats_w + '&h=' + stats_h + '&c=' + stats_c + '&r=' + stats_f + '&u='+ stats_u + '&fs=' + stats_fs + '&b=' + stats_b + '&x=' + stats_x + '&cat=' + catID + '&prd=' + prdID; document.write('<img src="' + file + '?'+info+ '" width=1 height=1 border=0>'); </script> </a> <noscript> <img src="/stats/count.asp" width=90 height=30 border=0> </noscript> <!--END: 3dcart stats-->
- Click Save Changes to complete the process.
Note: You may need to wait up to 24 hours for the changes to be reflected in your statistics report.