Knowledgebase: Reports

Why is my Statistics Report not working?


If your Statistics Report (Reports >Statistics) is not displaying any data, then you will need to add a script to your global footer. This is also the case if the 'Refer Link' in your orders does not display data regarding where your customers entered your site from.


  1. Go to Content >Header and Footer
  2. Paste the following script into the Global Footer:

<!--START: 3dcart stats-->
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
var file='/stats/count.asp';
var stats_d=new Date();
var stats_s=stats_d.getSeconds();
var stats_m=stats_d.getMinutes();
var stats_x=stats_s*stats_m;
var prdID = '[catalogid]';
var catID = '[catid]';
stats_f='' + escape(document.referrer); stats_f=stats_f.replace('_','----');
if (navigator.appName=='Netscape'){stats_b='NS';}
if (navigator.appName=='Microsoft Internet Explorer'){stats_b='MSIE';}
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE 3')>0) {stats_b='MSIE';}
stats_u='' + escape(document.URL); stats_u=stats_u.replace('_','----'); stats_w=screen.width; stats_h=screen.height;
stats_fs = window.screen.fontSmoothingEnabled;
if (stats_v != 'Netscape') {stats_c=screen.colorDepth;}
else {stats_c=screen.pixelDepth;}
info='w=' + stats_w + '&h=' + stats_h + '&c=' + stats_c + '&r=' + stats_f + '&u='+ stats_u + '&fs=' + stats_fs + '&b=' + stats_b + '&x=' + stats_x + '&cat=' + catID + '&prd=' + prdID;
document.write('<img src="' + file + '?'+info+ '" width=1 height=1 border=0>');
<img src="/stats/count.asp" width=90 height=30 border=0>
<!--END: 3dcart stats-->


  1. Click Save Changes to complete the process.

You may need to wait up to 24 hours for the changes to be reflected in your statistics report.

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