How Do I Make The "Buy" Link On Category Pages Direct Customers To The Product Page? |
By default, the "Buy" or "Add to Cart" button underneath each product on category pages will automatically add the product to the customer's shopping cart. It will follow whatever "Add to Cart Action" you have set up in the General Store Settings area of your Online Store Manager. On the one hand, if your products have selectable options, then the visitor is directed to the product's listing page in order to select those options. However, for regular, stand alone products, the default category buy link action is to add to cart and direct them towards the checkout pages. With a little template editing, it's possible to have the category "buy" link direct the customers to each product page (regardless of option) instead of adding to cart. If you would like to direct the customer to the product listing pages instead, we've set up the following instructions to help you along: Important: Please keep in mind that this information is being provided solely as a courtesy. Custom design or HTML/CSS template changes are outside the scope of our provided technical support. If you are uncomfortable with making changes to your site's HTML/CSS, please contact our Support Team and inquire about HTML and design services which can make these changes for you. To continue, you will need to Modify the category_0.html template. This can be found via FTP, or you can use the template editor in the Online Store Manager. Core ThemeUse the following steps if your theme is a Core theme.
You will see a listing of your store theme's unique templates. If there is a category_x.html template within this list, look to the far right of the listing and click on the "Action >Edit" button for it and skip to step 5 listed here. Otherwise, if the category_x.html template is not present, proceed to step 3 next.
<!--START: addtocart-->
<--END: addtocart-->
<div class="action">
<a href="product.asp?itemid=[catalogid]" class="btn btn-default"> <span class="buyitlink-text">[category_buyitlink] </a> </div>
HTML5 ThemesUse the following steps if your theme is an HTML5 theme.
You will see a listing of your store theme's unique templates. If there is a category_x.html template within this list, look to the far right of the listing and click on the "Action >Edit" button for it and skip to step 5 listed here. Otherwise, if the category_x.html template is not present, proceed to step 3 next.
onclick="window.location = 'add_cart.asp?quick=1&item_id=[catalogid]'"
onClick="window.location = 'product.asp?itemid=[catalogid]'"
Tip: For the default category_0.html template, there will be six instances of this code to change. Changing the Link/Button LabelLastly, you may want to edit the category page further so that the "Add to Cart" button's label is changed to say "View Item" or something similar. While still in the Online Store Manager,
Be sure to clear your store's cache on your store to see changes if they are not readily apparent. | |