Knowledgebase: Shipping

How Do I Add Shipping Insurance to Orders?


Shift4Shop allows you to add shipping insurance to your orders. This is a method by which you specify an additional fee that can be added to regular shipping costs. The insurance can either be required on orders over a certain value or can be optional for your customer to choose.

Please note that this feature is not compatible with the ability to ship to multiple addresses. Your customers' shipping rate will be the method they select during checkout.

Adding Shipping Insurance

  1. Go to Settings >Shipping
  2. Look under the "More Options" area and click on "Insurance"
  3. Click the "+Add New" button
  4. In the Min and Max fields, type the minimum and maximum value of the order for your first range. For example, for $0 - $100, you would type 0, 100 into the Min and Max fields.
  5. Enter the cost of the shipping insurance into the Price field.
  6. Check the % checkbox, if you would like the insurance cost to be a percentage of the order total.
  7. Check the Required checkbox if the insurance is to be required on the order. Leave it unchecked if the insurance is optional.
  8. Click Save when ready.

When applicable, the Shipping Insurance notification appear to the shopper during their checkout process.

To change the default wording for the shipping insurance notification, go to the Settings >Design >Store Language section and modify your wording in the checkout2 section.

A few notes about Shipping Insurance

*Shipping Insurance settings are global to all shipping situations, meaning that Insurance will still be offered/required (when applicable) even if free shipping is displayed.
*Finally, Shipping Insurance will not display if you have only one shipping method applicable to the order and you have "Auto Select Shipping" set in your store's Shipping Settings section.
(Settings >Shipping >Shipping Settings.)

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