What is causing Error code: 103 on my Recurring Orders? |
Merchants using Shift4Shop's recurring order add-on may sometimes come across this error message when the system attempts to generate a recurring order: Error generating recurring order: the shipping method that was originally used doesn't match with calculated shipping methods. This typically happens when the shipping method that was used (during the intial order) cannot be matched on the store's present shipping methods during recurrence. The two most commong causes of this occur when the shipping methods have either been removed or renamed in the Online Store Manager.
To prevent this, it is very important to take special care when editing or removing your store's shipping methods to ensure your actions do not conflict with Recurring Orders that have been recorded into the system Fortunately, if your recurring order fails with Error 103, you can correct the shipping metods in your store and then edit the recurring order's next recurrence date to have it update and run again. | |