How Do I Use Unsplash For My Site Images? |
Beginning with version 12.0.10, Shift4Shop merchants can access free stock images from Unsplash from the Homepage Carousel as well the store's File Manager. The integration allows you to search for images and download them from Unsplash directly to your store. As the images are downloaded, the system will download two versions of the image - a small (400px) and large (1080px) version of the image for use in the store. The following steps will show you how to access and use the Unsplash integration. Home Page CarouselA great place to use the Unsplash images is your store's Homepage Carousel.
While looking at the Homepage Carousel, determine which slider image you'd like to add as an Unsplash image. For example, 1st image.
Your image selector will slide out from the right hand side of the screen. At the top of the selector you will see two links:
Select "Free Photos" to search Unsplash's database of free stock photos.
The system will display a collection of free images that match your search term. At the bottom of the list you will see a button labeled "Load more" if you'd like to see even more collections that match your search term. Tip
Note File ManagerYou can also access the Unsplash module from the Online Store Manager's File manager section. From anywhere in your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager:
Along the top right of the file manager screen, you will see a button labeled "Free Photos"
When you click on the desired photo, you will briefly see a circular load icon on the image to indicate it is being downloaded. Once it's done, both versions of the image (large and small) will be found within the File Manager's Unsplash folder | |