How can I view or update my Shift4 Payments Account Information? |
Merchants using Shift4 Payments can now edit account information directly from the Shift4Shop Interface. This will help save you time as you will no longer need to contact Customer Service to make basic updates to your account.
Account Maintenance OptionsAfter accessing the Account Maintenance section, you will be met with several options. Find the option you wish to access from here and click on the Begin button on the right to do so:
IMPORTANT: Change your bank account on fileOn this page, you will be able to see your current bank account information that is setup within your Shift4Payments Account. You will see a form beneath where you can enter in your new bank account information. The fields are:
Fill this out accurately and completely, and you may save your changes. Update your account profile informationThis section of the Account Maintenance tool will allow for you to view and update profile information. This includes: DBA (Doing Business As) Information:
Legal Entity Information
Simply click on one of the fields in white, and you can modify it as necessary. Once finished, you may save your changes at the bottom. Manage account authorized contactsThis section of the Account Maintenance tool allows for you to manage authorized contacts for your account. Here, you can add new contacts, or delete them as necessary. When first accessing the page, you will see a blank screen that shows there is no data to display. To actually add a contact, click on the Add Contact button here. On the following page, you will have the ability to enter in your contact's information. Fill this out accurately and completely, and click on Add Contact to save your changes. After doing so, you will be able to see this contact on the Authorized Contact list from the previous screen. Here, you can select and delete any contacts as needed. View 1099The View 1099 section will allow for you to access the 1099 forms for your merchant account. When you first access this page, it will display your MID and a list of PDF files to choose from. It will select the earliest form on the list by default, as indicated by the blue highlight to the left. Simply click on the appropriate file to select the 1099 form you wish to view, and then click on the View 1099K button. After doing so, you will be presented with the form you selected so you may access it as needed. Additional Information: | |