How Do I Use Shift4Shop's Shipping Label Solution?
Shift4Shop's Shipping Label Solution allows you to print shipping labels directly from your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager.* The labels are available at a discounted rate and can be purchased directly from your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager during the printing process.
Note Currently, Shift4Shop's Shipping Label feature is only available for printing USPS labels.
Initial Setup
To print a Shipping Label using this feature:
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Orders >Manage Orders
- Locate and open the order you'd like to print a shipping label for and click on the Invoice Number to open the order
- Look towards the top right of the page and click on the "Shipping Label" button to begin.
If this is your first label with the built-in Shipping Label Solution, you will be presented with the following screens so that you can configure the initial settings.
- Screen 1 - Click Continue to Begin

- Screen 2 - Enter your Billing and Credit Card Info
This is the billing information and card that will be used to pay for the labels as they are created/printed. For convenience, the store will automatically insert your store information as the Billing Info but you may edit this if needed. 
- Screen 3 - Enter your Return Address for the labels and Select your Shipping Label Settings
Again, for convenience, your store's address information will be used for the return address, but you may change this as/if needed. (See the next section below for the Shipping Label Settings) 
Shipping Label Settings For the Shipping Label Settings, make your selections for the following:
- Label type
Select the type of label you'd like to create. Your options include various PDF sizes, PNG formats, and ZPLII.
- Weight Unit
Select the type of Weight measurement you'd like to use for labels. For example, pounds, ounces, kilogram and grams
- Distance Unit
Select the measurement units for the packages. For example Inches, Feet, Meters, Millimeters, Centimeters
- Automatically Update Order Status and Tracking
Mark this checkbox to have the order automatically updated and sent to shipped status along with tracking information once the label is purchased and created.
- Contains hazardous material
Mark this checkbox if your shipments contain hazardous materials (HAZMAT). This will be marked on the shipping label.
- Packaging
Select whether you'd like to use your own packaging or the carrier's packaging
Note If you select to use your own packaging, you will need to enter package dimensions (length, width, height) for the proper label to be created. If you elect to use Carrier Packaging, you will select the carrier's packaging form the drop down menu.
Note once again that currently, the only carrier available is USPS.
- Screen 4 - Settings Saved Successfully
Once you've set the above settings, click "Save" at the top right of the page and then click "Continue" as shown below 
- Screen 5 - Purchase and Print your label
When you click on "Pay & Print" for the label, your credit card will be charged for the label and the label will be generated for you. 
- Screen 6 - Confirmation Page
Labels can be saved, printed and voided from this screen. Furthermore, you will see the tracking number that was generated for the label. If you marked the "Automatically Update Order Status and Tracking" checkbox mentioned in the settings above, the order will have this tracking number attached to it. 
Important Voiding the label returns the funds to your card. But. please be aware that if you void a label and use it anyway for the package, you will be charged again.
Also note that any discrepancies between the dimensions and weight provided at the time of creating the label and the actual measures of the package delivered by the carrier will incur further charges to the card on file.
Subsequently Printing Labels
After this initial setup is complete, you can print other labels using the Shipping Label button mentioned in step 4 above.

Tip If you'd like to print labels using Shift4Shop's legacy shipping label manager (for UPS and FedEx specific labels), click on the arrow and select "Other Carriers"

Editing Your Default Settings
If you would like to edit/change your default settings that were configured during the initial setup process described above, you may do so by following these steps:
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Use the left-hand navigation menu and go to Settings >Shipping
- Next, click on the "Edit Settings" button located under "Shipping Settings"
- Locate the "Shipping Label Solution Settings" section and click on it to expand it.
- Click on the button labeled "Change Default Settings"
Once the popup modal appears, you can edit your billing info, return address, credit card and shipping label settings as needed.
Shipping Labels Purchase Report
With the introduction of the Shipping Label Solution, we've also added a special built-in report to let you review your purchased shipping labels and generated tracking numbers. To access this report:
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Use the left-hand navigation menu and go to Reports >Payment &Shipping
- Next, click on the "Shipping Labels" link located along the top of the page
You may run a report based on date presets, date ranges, order numbers or tracking numbers. The generated report will show you the purchased/generated labels including the following:
- Date
The date the label was purchased
- Order
The order number that the label was generated for
- Tracking Number
The tracking number assigned to the label
- Amount
The amount charged to your card for the label
- Type
This will say either "Label" or "Adjustment" and it will refer to whether the charge is for the initial purchase/generation (Label) or if the charge is for amounts charged later due to label discrepancies (Adjustment).
Note As mentioned, discrepancies occur when the size of the package specified when the label was generated is different than the actual package delivered by the carrier. These will be listed as "Adjustment"