Why Do I Need to Clear My Store's Cache? |
In your Store Settings area you have the option of enabling or disabling your site's cache for your home and category pages. This section also gives you the ability to clear your site's overall cache. However, many people do not readily understand what this function does. To help explain this, we would first like to explain what exactly cache is. Cache, (pronounced "cash" rather than "cash-ay") is a component in computer systems that transparently stores static (unchanging) data in such a way so that it can be served more efficiently when the data is requested. A simplified example of this is visible on most Internet browsers when you manually enter a web address into your browser's address field - if it's an address you frequently visit, chances are the browser will automatically populate the URL into the field for you. This is an example of the browser's cache working. Web servers and computers in general are similar in this concept. For the most part, Shift4Shop's pages are dynamically generated via Active Server Page scripting (ASP). This means that when a page is requested from the server, it is rendered for the browser at that given moment in time. Therefore, there is no real application of data being cached. However, some aspects of your store - like the menu links and frame areas - do not change that often. Therefore, these areas are saved in cache memory to have these static elements rendered/served more efficiently. The cached information refreshes automatically after about 2 hours. In some cases though, you may need to clear the store's cache manually with the "Clear Cache" button. Below are a couple of scenarios in which you will want to have this feature disabled.
Again, the store's cache clears itself every two hours. However, if you need to clear it manaully, you may do so using the following steps: Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and, using the left hand navigation menu:
Additional Information Below the checkbox, you will see a button labeled "Clear Cache"
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